Develop an analysis of one or more screen texts that remix, recycle or remediate other works exploring one or more of the following the ethics of appropriation in the work examined.


Video-sharing websites and digital technologies have made many films and other moving images increasingly accessible for remixing and recycling and other forms of remediation. Engaging with scholarly essays or books on digital cinema and/or digital spectatorship and/or compilation film and/or fan or cult spectatorship, develop an analysis of one or more screen texts that remix, recycle or remediate other works exploring one or more of the following:

the ethics of appropriation in the work examined

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how and why the remix work engages with its chosen source material

The post Develop an analysis of one or more screen texts that remix, recycle or remediate other works exploring one or more of the following: the ethics of appropriation in the work examined. appeared first on Essay Quoll.