.Discuss the essential differences between arterial and venous thrombosis, and how these differences influence treatment

In this section you are expected to cite peer-reviewed scientific sources where required. You should write a maximum of 200 words for a 5 mark question and a maximum of 400 words for a 10 mark question.

8.Discuss the essential differences between arterial and venous thrombosis, and how these differences influence treatment. Cite one or two papers to support your answer. (10 marks)

9.Heparin was first used as an anticoagulant medication in 1935, and has been the first-choice drug for fast-acting intravenous anticoagulation ever since. Low molecular weight heparin (1970s) and hirudin (1990s) have shown limited advantages over unfractionated heparin. Now directly-acting FXa- and FIIa-inhibitors (rivaroxaban and dabigatran, ~2010) have been licensed for treatment of thrombotic disorders. Outline the advantages these drugs have over heparin, citing two references, including at least one primary paper showing a clinical benefit of one of these new drugs. (10 marks)

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10. What role do platelets play in coagulation? Citing one primary paper to support your answer, show one mechanism by which they promote fibrin formation. (5 marks)

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