Explain how your methods of data collection and analysis are suited to your particular topic of study and research question(s).

Royal Holloway,

Your report must be structured as follows:Title: This should be your research question(s).Abstract (200 words maximum)The abstract should include a brief summary of the reasons for doing the research, the methodology, the findings and the

conclusions.Literature Review (approximately 600 words)A literature review provides an overview of recent empirical and theoretical work in the field. Journal articles are your best source of information for the literature review, but you can also reference books and official statistics. You are expected to provide a thorough account of the general field of research by synthesising the literature that you draw upon.

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All sources that you use should be cited and referenced fully in the bibliography. You should end your literature review by identifying your research question(s) and clearly explaining how your study will contribute to the field.Methodology (approximately 400 words)In this section you should explain the principles that underscore your approach, how you sampled your data and how you carried out the analysis.

You should briefly explain how your methods of data collection and analysis are suited to your particular topic of study and research question(s). You should also draw upon relevant methodology texts in order to support your points. Findings (approximately 900 words)Here you should present the findings from your chosen type of analysis (see the list of options above). You should avoid merely describing the data or discussing each source in turn. Instead you should focus on outlining patterns and trends that you identified across your data set. If you are using textual data you should use quotations from the data to support your points. If you are analysing images, you should refer the reader to the relevant appendices at appropriate points. Discussion (approximately 400 words)In the final section of the report you should return and respond to your research question(s).

The discussion should also detail how your findings contribute to the field of research / how they relate to existing literature. You should also acknowledge limitations of the research and suggest possible avenues for future research. Bibliography Your bibliography should be formatted according to Harvard guidelines and should include full references for any sources (including data sources) cited in the report.Appendices The appendices should include the data that you analysed. Each source should be given in a separate appendix. Appendices should be numbered, given a clear title, and be ordered according to the order in which they are referred to in the report

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