Discuss what effective follower ship is and why it is an important component of leadership.

Philosophy of Leadership Length: Paper: 8 – 10 double-spaced pages* (excluding title and references pages) Personal Philosophy of Leadership Paper Guidelines Prepare and submit through turnitin an 8 – 10 page paper* that includes your definition of leadership, discusses three leadership theories that have influenced you, analyzes your leadership style, examines followership, and reflects on insights gained. A well-constructed paper will reference 6 or more scholarly sources including 5 journal articles such as those assigned and retrieved from Brandmans virtual library, and adhere to APA standards. The purpose of this paper is to articulate your thoughts on leaders and leadership by incorporating the various topics we have covered. You have read a lot of authors; you have studied numerous theories/concepts. Drawing from these, as well as your personal experience, you are now ready to describe your personal philosophy of leadership. I. Leadership Definition Provide your definition of leadership and what has influenced this definition. Your definition must be original but supported by the work of others. Support your analysis with two (2) or more scholarly sources including one (1) journal article. There are numerous leadership definitions available the point here is to create your own. You might want to review the way Peter Northouse presents his definition on pages 6-7. Not only does he state his definition, he describes the key components of it. This helps the reader understand what is key to your leadership definition/philosophy. Be very clear with your definition, with a statement like My leadership definition is . Make sure it is distinct from others. II. Leadership Theories Discuss three (3) major leadership theories that have most influenced your thinking on leadership and leaders. In your leadership challenge paper, you discussed classical leadership theories. In this paper, consider including the contemporary approaches of Authentic, Servant and/or Transformational Leadership. Select at least two theories or models that you havent already written about in week 5 for your final paper. Define and describe the components of the selected theories using four (4) or more scholarly sources including three (3) journal articles. You have been introduced to several leadership theories both through direct readings as well as indirect readings (i.e., chapters in Northouse that were not assigned). Rather than repeat all three of the theories you discussed in the leadership challenge paper, you need to discuss at least 2 new ones. For this paper, you are not applying these theories to a case study. You are discussing them because they have been influential to your thinking on leaders and leadership. They are important to your leadership philosophy. As stated, be sure to define and describe the components of the theories. You will find it helpful to link this section back to your leadership definition; otherwise you are not showing how they influence your leadership philosophy. As you present the three theories, do so in the order they appeared in the literature (i.e., order of chapters in Northouse). This acknowledges that each new theory draws upon previous ones, adding something new to existing knowledge/thought. III. Leadership Style Analyze your strengths and style(s) as a leader. Use three (3) or more assessments from the Northouse text to assess your effectiveness in the leadership approaches as described in the above section; and compare your qualities and characteristics to those of effective leaders. Support your analysis with two (2) or more scholarly sources including one (1) journal article. You have been doing this all along through discussion board posts. Now it is time to articulate your current leadership practice, linking back to your definition and the three theories you described in previous sections. In other words, how do you currently assess yourself in the three theories that you have said are most influential to your philosophy. IV. Followership Discuss what effective followership is and why it is an important component of leadership. How can you enhance your effectiveness as a follower and encourage it in others? Support your analysis with one (1) or more scholarly sources. I think this is self-explanatory. I only add the suggestion to link this back to the previous sections. V. Reflective Analysis In two three pages, reflect on three (3) key leadership lessons you have learned from this course. What has influenced you the most and has been of the most value to you)? How has your thinking and/or behavior changed to enhance your leadership practice? Describe two (2) specific actions you will take to enhance your leadership effectiveness. This is self-explanatory. Philosophy Definition Theories Style Followership Reflections It might be helpful to think of your philosophy as a whole, not separate sections. Also, as you plan your paper, you might want to look at percentages of the sections. Theories, style and reflections are each 20%, while definition and followership are each 10%. As with each assignment, reviewing the evaluation rubric is a guide to your success. Citing and Referencing: If you are citing Northouse, who is citing other authors, you dont need to add the date of those authors unless it is a direct quote from Northouse. If so, those authors do not go on the Reference list. Here is an example: Northouse …presents a servant leadership model based on Liden, Wayne, Zhao, and Henderson (2008) and Liden, Panaccio, Hu, and Meuser (2014) that has three main components: antecedent conditions, servant leader behaviors, and leadership outcomes (Figure 10.1) (as cited in Northouse, 2016, p. 231). Here is another way to handle this. Based on the work of several theorists such as Liden, Wayne, and others, Northouse states the three components of servant leadership are antecedent conditions, servant leader behaviors, and leadership outcomes (Northouse, 2016, p. 231). Either way, your Reference List would only include Northouse as you are not citing the other authors. It is important to try and use primary source as much as possible. Each week, you have linked to primary source journal articles. While Northouse does a great job of presenting theory, it is secondary source. Draw from the assigned readings to present the theorists words. Please use Northouse (2019) as one of your references.