Draft a general report and compare and contrast the main forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods by explaining the advantages and disadvantages of them compared to litigation



You are working as a solicitor and have been approached by a former client of yours Mr Smith who owns a catering company. Due to the pandemic and difficulties caused as a result of Coronavirus and lockdown restrictions, he had to make some redundancies in the company. Also he is experiencing some problems with his purchases and possible breach of contract matters from the buyers.

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He has heard about Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and out of court methods to settle disputes. You have been asked to draft a general report and compare and contrast the main forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods by explaining the advantages and disadvantages of them compared to litigation

The post Draft a general report and compare and contrast the main forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods by explaining the advantages and disadvantages of them compared to litigation appeared first on Essay Quoll.