Using the film The Conservatives and the reading from Edmund Burke (1791), compare and contrast Burke’s classical conservatism with 20th century US conservatism.


Answers must be from between 750 and 1000 words long.

Papers must be submitted with double-spaced text

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All quoted and paraphrased material must be cited in the Chicago in-line author/date format


Using The Triumph of the Will documentary as your primary source, describe how the film reinforces the following basic fascist precepts.

Be sure to carefully define each precept before discussing the extent to which imagery in the film reinforces it.

1. The Leadership Principle

2. Subordination of the individual to the collective nation as personified by the leader

3. Appeals to emotion over reason

This is the film


Using the film The Conservatives and the reading from Edmund Burke (1791), compare and contrast Burke’s classical conservatism with 20th century US conservatism.

Be sure to identify both similarities and differences and to use specifically quoted and paraphrased material from the reading and documentary to support your position.


The post Using the film The Conservatives and the reading from Edmund Burke (1791), compare and contrast Burke’s classical conservatism with 20th century US conservatism. appeared first on Essay Quoll.