Epidemiology-Show distribution by age of a least one of the health issues.


In Part 2 of your project, now that you have researched and presented the top health issues you need to create a presentation for the board that shows descriptive statistics on health care issues.

Using PowerPoint or a similar program (Google Slides, Prezi, Keynote, Canva), create 5 different graphs/charts that answer the following:

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1. Rank the top 5 health issues from the highest impact to lowest.

2. Show what percent of the population is impacted by each issue

3. Choose at least one of the health issues and show progression over 5 years.

4. Show distribution by age of a least one of the health issues.

5. Show key demographics (example: race, age, income, sex, etc.) impacted by at least one of the health issues.


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