Explain the significance of the connections you are making, i.e., what is important and/or at stake in understanding the connections you made?

-Read: https://3quarksdaily.com/3quarksdaily/2021/01/whats-the-plan-an-open-letter-to-secretary-of-education-dr-miguel-cardona.html

-Listen: https://theanalysis.news/interviews/jan-6th-fascistization-and-education-henry-giroux/

– Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U

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-You must use at least three direct quotes from the readings/videos in your entry and cite them using APA format at the end of your entry.

-Each entry must also make a text-self-world connection and explain the significance of the connections you are making, i.e., what is important and/or at stake fascistizationin understanding the connections you made?

-Lastly, each entry must conclude with at least two questions you have about the readings and videos. Questions should not be easily answered with “yes” or “no.”

The post Explain the significance of the connections you are making, i.e., what is important and/or at stake in understanding the connections you made? appeared first on Essay Hotline.