estimate the efficiency of the ram.

A hydraulic ram pump working under a head of 4.0 m pumps 2.0 litres/s water to a delivery tank situated 15.0 m above the ram. The amount of water wasted is estimated as 15 litres/s. Assuming the loss of head of 1.5 m in the delivery head and the loss in the supply pipe to be negligible, estimate the efficiency of the ram.


2.A hydraulic ram pump receives 100 litre/s of water from a source under a head of 5.0 m and delivers 10.0 litre/s to a reservoir 20 m above the ram. The delivery pipe is 50 m long and has a diameter of 100 mm. The supply pipe is 15 m long and is 200 mm in diameter. Assuming a friction factor f = 0.02 for both the pipes, estimate the efficiency of the ram.

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