What would be the firm capacity of the plant with pondage?

1.A hydro plant gets a regulated supply of 20 m3/s. The effective head of the plant is 15 m and the overall efficiency of the turbine−generator set is 0.75. If the plant is to work for eight hours per day and six days a week as a peaking plant, calculate the (a) required pondage and (b) pondage factor. What would be the firm capacity of the plant with pondage?


2. A run-of-river plant on a river works 6 days a week, 24 hours a day. The effective head is 16 m and the overall plant efficiency is 0.82. In a typical week, the flow in the river is as follows.

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Estimate (a) the total pondage required to even out the flow fluctuation and to

get the maximum output from the plant, and (b) weekly energy output from

the plant. [Ans: (a) 2.909 Mm3 (b) E = 41.36 MWh]

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