Explain what you believe to be the impact that the site’s research has had on our understanding of the ecosystem and how cycling and flow are measured.


In this assignment, you will provide an overview of a long-term ecological research (LTER) site. Write a 750 to 1,000-word paper that includes the following.

Select a LTER site from the list of sites at

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Explain the primary objectives of the site.

Provide a history of the site.

Describe the kind of research being conducted at the site. For this part of the assignment, you may do one of the following:

Provide an overview of all the research being conducted by the LTER.

List the research being done and focus on a specific research project that is of interest to you.

Explain what you believe to be the impact that the site’s research has had on our understanding of the ecosystem and how cycling and flow are measured.

The post Explain what you believe to be the impact that the site’s research has had on our understanding of the ecosystem and how cycling and flow are measured. appeared first on Essay Hotline.