For each instruction, provide the SQL command and demonstrate that it works correctly using the following format

SQL Project

The project is based on the OracleFlix SQL Project in Section 0 – Course Resources. It is not identical.

Three files attached:

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  • Project ERD
  • Project Exercise/Instructions
  • Project Tables

Open Apex and complete the UPDATED OracleFlix project as specified in the attached exercise instructions.

Submit1 Word document.

Type your name, section, and the date on the first 3 lines of the document.

For each instruction, provide the SQL command and demonstrate that it works correctly using the following format:

  • Specify the instruction number.
  • Copy the command from APEX Command window into the Word document.
  • Paste a screen shot of your complete APEX window (left-to-right and top-to-bottom) showing the SQL command and the results (including row count) when the command is run. All rows in the result set must be shown to earn credit for a problem.
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