Use the information below in any way you wish to extend the Faculty App.

Faculty App with Location Information

I have created a modified version of the faculty_data.json file that we used in the last assignment.

This file is named faculty_data_map.json and is located at: (Links to an external site.)

This JSON file is exactly the same as the one we have been using with the exception that I have added location information to each faculty member.
Three key/value pairs have been added to each faculty member’s information. This information represents the faculty member’s location in the U.S.

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Here is an example of the keys, which should be self explanatory.

“city”: “San Francisco”,
“latitude”: “37.7811”,
“longitude”: “-122.4625”,

You may use this information in any way you wish to extend the Faculty App. At a minimum, you should display the faculty member’s location in a Map. But consider using other API functions to make it more interesting

You decide where you want to add this to the current App and add whatever other functionality you wish — the Maps API is very powerful and contains all sorts of bells and whistles.

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