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1. Refer to the Geologic Map of the Wyoming Area (Figure 17.25; pages 170-171)
in Exercises in Physical Geology by Hamblin and Howard. Answer questions 1
to 9 (page 170). Do not answer questions 10 and 11. Each question is worth 2
marks, except question 4-cross section (10 marks). The cross section should be
drafted carefully and neatly, fully labelled, and handed-in on a separate sheet to
your other answers.
(26 marks)
2. Refer to the Geologic Map of the Southern States (Figure 17.26; pages 172-173)
in Exercises in Physical Geology by Hamblin and Howard. Answer questions 1
to 10 (page 172). Each question is worth 2 marks, except question 7-sequence
of events (4 marks). (22 marks)
Hand-in all answers by e-mail to [email protected].
Exercise 17: Structural Geology (pages 170-173)
Exercises in Physical Geology
Sixth Edition
W.K. Hamblin and J.D. Howard
MacMillan Publishing Company, New York 1986
ISBN 0-02-349340-2



The post GEOLOGICAL MAPS first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.