Texas companies that have installed Collaborative Robots (COBOTs)


List the 30 – 40 largest Texas companies that have installed Collaborative Robots (COBOTs) to assist with the manufacturing of their process, just like the bulleted item below. This is just a summary bulleted expanded contact list. That’s all. The Companies listed should be headquartered in the state of Texas and if not they should perform more than 51% of the manufacturing in Texas
• Full legal company name along with main/HQ physical address, website address and at least 1 (one) contact email address, main telephone and the total number of employees, name the name of the CEO and/or President, main Products Manufactured using Collaborative Robots
Below are examples of COBOTs in action. The companies being sought after in this assignment are those manufacturing companies that have implemented the use of COBOTs in their manufacturing processes.


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