Global Team Development.


Amazon’s Global team development

Amazon’s global team development focuses on managing ways that leverages the company’s strengths and minimizes challenges due to having employees all around the world.

A.     The company’s leaders will have to focus on constructing and managing teams of people from different cultures and geographies. Leaders will have to develop and incorporate team norms as soon as teams are developed.

B.     Social complexity in global teamwork is a major aspect within the organization, therefore creating and communicating team norms with be very effective for all employees worldwide.

C.      I will create programs that will help improve and stimulate the organization’s team performance, stability, socialization, and self-management between employees and leadership to help establish a coherent whole altogether.

D.     The program will help motivate employees to become better individuals, workers, leaders, and team members. It will aim to help the organization deal with global differences such as different cultural background, time zones, and will focus on creating a climate of psychological safety for teams. .

The purpose of the program

A.     The program will focus on time zones and person differences, distances and indirect communication.

1.      Supervisors will stress the importance of verbal and written communication between team members due to their distances.

2.      Team members will be expected to respect different team members personal and professional beliefs. Each employee will respect each other’s timing and will not purposely set important meetings at disrespectful hours for other employees worldwide.

3.      Employees and leaders will not be allowed to be rude or demanding toward other’s cultural beliefs.

4.      Implemented methods will be established to help the organization become more successful by increasing productivity and enhancing creativity between global employees (Saldaña‐Ramos, J., Sanz‐Esteban, A., García, J., & Amescua, A., 2014).

B.     All employees will help establish and implement necessary changes and will be required to communicate their diverse feedback due to the program’s effectiveness.

1.      Employees that faces cultural conflicts, interpersonal minefield and/or ongoing disappointment due to the differences and distances will be expected to speak up and issues will be heard and addressed within the organization’s chain.

2.      Organizational leaders will monitor employee’s performances, teamwork abilities and effectiveness, resilience, and perseverance.

C.     The program’s intention would be engaged towards amazing potential to sale increases and reaching new markets through the effectiveness of global team members (Malinsky, 2018).

1.      Each employee will understand each other’s culture and how to best work together.

2.      Each employee will also be expected to participate in impacting team functioning.

The program will be enforced for each team member.

A.     Amazon’s leaders will ensure that each team member is participating accordingly and is aware of team’s norms.

1.      Leaders will ensure that team norms and expectations are specific, challenging, measurable, consequential relevant, ethical, and moral.

2.      Better relationships between team members, managers, and owners at the corporate level will be the overall goal (Campbell & Göritz, 2014).

3.      Each worldwide team member will be expected to collectively work together towards the common goal of the organization regardless of their location.

B.     The program is intended to let employees know and recognize that conflicts are inevitable and to not let interpersonal conflicts degrade them, feel insecure or embarrassed but to know how to effectively work with team members around the world.

1.      Results of the program will be expected to connect colleagues through assignments, discover personal bonding between strangers, and show successful operation through team members across borders and cultures.


A.     Amazon’s global team development program will have a huge impact on virtual teams having tremendous potential for operational purposes.

B.     The program will help establish better leaders that anticipate challenges between all international workers and address them proactively.


  Kalyandurg, N., & Akhilesh, K. (2012). Emerging team practices in global product development. Strategic HR Review, 11(3), 143–149. .

Molinsky, A., 2018. 5 Essential Tips for Building a Great Global Team. Use these 5 tips to unleash the potential of your global team. Retrieved from , 2020.

  Saldaña‐Ramos, J., Sanz‐Esteban, A., García, J., & Amescua, A. (2014). Skills and abilities for working in a global software development team: a competence model. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 26(3), 329–338. .


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