How do feminist moral philosophers criticize the traditional ethical emphasis on impartiality and universality.

Questions – Feminine-based and Feminist Ethics


  1. How do feminist moral philosophers criticize the traditional view of the autonomous individual?


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  1. How do feminist moral philosophers criticize the traditional contractarian (social contract) view of the origins of morality?


  1. How do feminist moral philosophers criticize the traditional ethical emphasis on impartiality and universality?


  1. How do feminist moral philosophers criticize the traditional view of human nature as primarily thinking beings?


  1. What important characteristics of the metaphor of voice distinguish an ethics of care from the traditional emphasis on theory (or perspective).


  1. How do men’s and women’s traditional ethical voices differ? (Be able to explain how justice and care, respectively associated with these voices, capture the distinctive traditional elements of men’s and women’s voices.


  1. What is the Bem Scale? How does it redefine the traditional view of the relationship between femininity and masculinity?


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