Identify a current event within the last year that discusses the issue and write and discuss same.

Section B – 20 points

Use of force and police brutality have been an issue and a topic of the 2020 Presidential Campaign and unfortunately in the news very much over the past year.  Identify a current event within the last year that discusses the issue and write and discuss same. Your answer should cite the news article, magazine article, etc.

Bruce Springsteen wrote a song called “American skin (41 shots)” inspired by a police shooting that took place in the Bronx.  The song has been covered by a number of artists including Jackson Browne and Mary J. Blige.  What incident inspired Springsteen to write the song?

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Your discussion should include

(1) a brief summary of the incident itself, including the names of the victims and officers involved;

(2) what if any criminal investigation or action took place against the officers involved

(3) was there a civil lawsuit filed by the family and it’s result and

(4) your personal opinion as to whether you think the police officers’ actions were justified and your reasoning as to why you reached the conclusion you did.

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