Write a short essay analyzing the film.Give some suggestions as to how it could be used as a source of historical evidence.


Write a short essay (approximately 1,500 words) analyzing the film. Include a summary, and outline its main themes and topics, as well as its central message.

Give some suggestions as to how it could be used as a source of historical evidence. Identify the ideas, attitudes, or beliefs prevalent in the 1920s conveyed by the film.

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Discuss its value as a medium for interpreting those themes, topics, or ideas in an exhibit.

In your analysis, include an assessment of the authenticity of the film, as well as the importance of establishing historical context for its evaluation.

Your essay should refer to the concepts and methodologies for analyzing pictorial images discussed in the required readings in Unit 4.

Use these to frame your analysis, and be sure to reference the readings appropriately.


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