Identify and discuss how your current Habit of Mind helped you this summer particularly having to transition from an originally planned in-person class to an online class.

Identify and discuss how your current Habit of Mind helped you this summer particularly having to transition from an originally planned in-person class to an online class. Then, identify and discuss the Habit of Mind that you wanted to develop this summer. This assignment is a personal narrative which means you will use first person—I, me, and my for this essay. As always, you will not use second person—you!


The essay must be four paragraphs—introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion
The essay must be two full/complete pages using correct MLA formatting.
It is very important that you meet the two complete page minimum requirement (remember to always include specific details).
For the introduction, you should integrate textual evidence (background information) referencing Habits of Mind using the article which is in the following tab.
Because this article does not name a particular author, you will use the following format for your signal phrase:
In the article “Habits of Mind,” the author claims….
You may select any verb that works for you essay, but the signal phrase that introduces your quotation should follow the above format.
For the body paragraphs, you do not need to include any textual evidence (quotations, summaries, and paraphrases), but if you choose to include textual evidence in the body paragraphs, be sure to properly integrate the evidence.

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Your responses to these questions should help you develop body paragraph 1

What Habit of Mind did you identify as one you had at the beginning of the semester?
What is a specific example that clearly illustrates this Habit of Mind?
Provide as many details as possible
How did this Habit of Mind help you continue with this class and other classes (if you had other classes)?
Provide as many details as possible

Your responses to these questions should help you develop body paragraph 2

What Habit of Mind did you identify as one you wanted to work on this semester?
– My answer is FLEXIBILITY
What did you do to develop this habit?
Provide as many details as possible
If you developed more than one Habit of Mind this semester, what other Habit of Mind did you develop?
Provide as many details as possible
What is a specific example that clearly illustrates the developing habit(s)?
Provide as many details as possible

Your responses to these questions should help you develop the conclusion and/or add to the body paragraphs

What lessons have you learned this semester regarding Habits of Mind?
How will you apply this information to your educational goals?
Do you have other Habits of Mind that you want to develop?

FYI TO THE WRITER, I am going to attach the Habits of Mind PDF.



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