indicate clearly, using APA-format referencing, whenever another source is being used.

Detailed information on assessment tasks 1. Essay This assignment is worth 35% of your overall mark, and should be approximately 2,000 words (plus or minus 10%, and excluding any references). It is submitted individually. Overview Address one of the following topics, or formulate your own topic that addresses shifts in the economy facilitated by the Internet. You may agree or disagree with the chosen topic statement, but do make your argument clear. Your analysis must reference the role of ‘free’ online labour, specific case studies, and relevant concepts from Module 1. Do not attempt to reference every concept we have discussed: focus on those that are relevant for your argument. Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, AcademicOUA Programs Choose on topic: • “The Internet allows us to better distribute existing resources, making capitalism more efficient.” • “The Internet has widened economic inequalities.” • “The current pandemic has demonstrated that shifts in the economy facilitated by the Internet have created an unsustainable system.” Criteria for Assessment You will be marked according to how well you: • Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between capitalism and the Internet; • Draw effectively on relevant academic research, including theoretical concepts and empirical data; • Present a developed and well-structured argument; • Effectively communicate in the essay format; • Support and connect your statements with appropriate examples, the role of free online labour, and relevant concepts from Module 1. All your work needs to indicate clearly, using APA-format referencing, whenever another source is being used. This includes: using the wording of another person, paraphrasing or drawing on information and ideas from another source (even if re

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