What is the phenomenon being explained?

Anaïs said farewell to her favorite uncle as he boarded a plane for Paris. That night she dreamed that he was flying in a jetliner that suddenly ran into a powerful thunderstorm and extreme turbulence. The plane rocked from side to side, then descended rapidly into the night. The jetliner crashed into a mountain, killing all onboard. When she awoke the next day, she learned that her uncle’s plane had encountered violent turbulence on the way to Paris and that several passengers, including her uncle, had been injured during the flight. She had just had one of those rare experiences known as a prophetic dream.

1. What is the phenomenon being explained?

2. What theories are given to explain the phenomenon? (Some theories may be unstated.)

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3. Which theory seems the most plausible and why? (Use the criteria of adequacy.)

4. Which theory is the least plausible and why?

5. Regarding the most credible theory, what factors would convince you to regard it as even more plausible?

6. Regarding the least credible theory, what factors would convince you to regard it as much more plausible?

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