Internal Regulation and Sustainability .

1 Internal Regulation and Sustainability Hi Student, I enjoyed reading your Internal Regulations and Sustainability paper. I can see that you are knowledgeable about this topic. However, the expectation for doctoral learners is to provide research-based content. The requirement of the assignment is researched based support. When no in-text citations are included it appears that you (1) did not do research, (2) researched but did not give credit to the source or (3) you are providing opinions/assumptions. If you are not using Reciteworks suggest you down and start using…see information noted in your paper. To assist you in your future assignments, see the feedback in your paper and rubric. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions regarding the feedback provided. Thank you, Instructor

2 Internal Regulation and Sustainability The Healthcare system is an essential organ in our daily lives, following that it is aimed at ensuring healthy living standards. Therefore, healthcare providers must be cautious enough while undertaking their duties to provide quality work as well as substantial outcomes. There is a great need for the organization to implement standards regulations to govern the routines to enhance quality care provision (National Association for Healthcare Quality, 2018). However, these regulations must be flexible enough to create room for modifications to handle uprising situations following that the current world is dynamic, and change is inevitable. The risks involved should thereby not be taken easily following that providing healthcare services is associated with a lot of complexity. The complexity related to health care services can be mitigated through the promotion of compliance with the regulations, delivering safe and high-quality patient care as well as safety in the workplace (Castlen et al., 2017). Thus, this context is tailored to outline supported research on how ethics and self-regulation influence quality of patient care, how the organization’s governing board protects the public’s safety, and how the self-regulation integrate with the executed regulations to promote sustainability of the organization. How Personal Ethics and Self-Regulation Influence the Quality of Patient Care Notably, personal ethics, as well as self-regulation, measures significantly influence the quality of patient care. During the implementation of health policies, self-regulation is crucial to Commented [DMJ1]: Need to add: Thesis, purpose, and conclusion are core elements to be included in all papers. Thesis and purpose are clear and comprehensive; the essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. The thesis statement is the overarching claim that connects the paper. Include the following two statements in the introduction: (1) The thesis of this paper is., (2) The purposeof this paper is. Formatted: LeftCommented [DMJ2]: Alignment should be left not justified Commented [DMJ3]: How do you know this information? What is the source of this information? Formatted: LeftCommented [DMJ4]: How do you know this information? What is the source of this information?

3 consider following that the physicians, nurses as well as other health care providers’ behaviors profoundly determine the quality of work in the healthcare organization (Castlen et al., 2017). These regulations have been criticized following that most of the problems related to the field, either intentional or not, are found to be triggered either by lack of competence or commitment of the health care provider. Research has shown that most of the inefficiencies are linked to either lack of qualified personnel, which can be contributed by inadequate training on the policies resulting in reduced or insufficient patient satisfaction (Castlen et al., 2017). The health professional regulatory organizations are mandated with the self-regulation as an approach to accountability in the provision of healthcare services (Castlen et al., 2017). Despite the working environment that a practitioner is situated, their standards of behavior play a significant role in ensuring quality in the services. However, it is challenging to measure such standards. Research has provided that the self-regulation bodies and nursing professions do not self-regulate the healthcare providers in these fields, even under the context of their codes of ethics (Castlen et al., 2017). Therefore, there is a great need for intervention in the organization to establish various strategies or mechanisms that can be employed to foster self-regulation. Some of the major hindrances to accountability that impact self-regulation that have been identified are many but not limited to the provision of assurance that the professional is competent; measures were undertaken against practitioners linked to recognized practitioners, as well as regulation of the conflict of interests. Competence among healthcare providers is vital to consider following that the capability of the individual in providing quality services determines the outcomes. All health care providers must be certified to ensure that they have attained the required qualifications in the provision of health care services (Greiner & Knebel, 2003). Nonetheless, the public has consistently demanded to be assured of the competence of the Commented [DMJ5]: What specific regulations are you referring to? Commented [DMJ6]: Interesting, need to provide a little more information on how this is doneCommented [DMJ7]: Is this the correct word? Commented [DMJ8]: Throughout your document you need to insert citations to give credit to the sources. Not including citations means 1) you didn’t do research, 2) you are not giving credit to the source or 3) opinions are being presented.

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4 providers to gain their trust and ensure that quality of care is offered to them (Greiner & Knebel, 2003). Therefore, the practitioners must ensure that they abide by the codes of ethics as well as the set regulations in the entire service provider to ascertain efficacy and trust in the public (Greiner & Knebel, 2003). They should as well check on their behaviors while handling the patients following that the main objective is to guarantee patient satisfaction. On the other hand, unethical problems linked to physicians should be identified, and appropriate actions should be undertaken to prevent further related issues. The physicians should thereby be consistently trained on the various self-regulation policies as well as codes of ethics to enable them, consequently, apply them in their course of practice (Castlen et al., 2017). Lastly, the health care providers are expected to be generous in the course of duty even though they must cater to their interests as well (Castlen et al., 2017). Therefore, the conflict in this section is inevitable. The public insists that altruism should be embraced following that patient satisfaction should dominate in the healthcare provision. The public requires to earn the trust following that they profoundly understand some of the abuse they can be subjected to by incompetent practitioners. How the Governing Board of the Organization Protects the Safety of the Public It is essential for all the stakeholders concerned in a health care unit to understand the role of governance as well as the constituents of efficient management. There exist many misconceptions about governance, like people thinking that the board members are highly paid or compensated for the duty (Chan et al., 2017). The management of the healthcare organization profoundly determines the outcomes of the services provided at the respective units. Therefore, an active board of governance should constitute of efficiency, focus, simplicity, creates room for civil conflict of ideas, high-quality results, as well as preserving the community assets. Some of Formatted: LeftCommented [DMJ9]: According to who or what? How to do manager or ensure that this is happening?

5 the roles of the board include but not limited to making policies about the running of the organization, making relevant and coherent decisions, and overseeing the management, quality of services, and monitoring finances (Association for Healthcare Quality, 2018). Therefore, following that the board is responsible for oversight, it is thereby responsible for all the services undertaken within the healthcare entity. The committee thus plays a significant role in overseeing the management, finances, and work quality (Rubin & Babbie, 2016). The board is also responsible for setting up strategic initiatives, building a societal relationship, establishing codes of ethics, compliances, and values, and appointing the chief executive officer as well as monitoring them to check their progress (Rubin & Babbie, 2016). However, for effective governance to be achieved, the governing board must uphold behavior, establish an enabling structure with clear speculation of duties as well as identification and ensuring achievement of the expectations. How Self-Regulation Integrate with Regulations Set by the Board to Promote Sustainability of the Organization The sustainability of the healthcare organization depends on the adherence to self-regulations as well as the regulations set by the governing board. According to the National Association for Healthcare Qualityall the healthcare staff, and their leaders, must ensure that they abide by the set standards to promote quality work as well as the sustainability of the organization (2018). Regulations help is establishing a practical roadmap if the health planning process. Furthermore, the regulations act as primary implementation strategy following that they transform the policy goals into actions through setting codes and rations as well as the utilization of consents and incentives to uphold control over the heath structure (Rubin & Babbie, 2016). Commented [DMJ10]: This section appears to be rushed…need a little more information and clarity to bring this argument together. Formatted: Left

6 Therefore, with physicians self-regulating through implementing the desired behavioral changes as well as adherence to the set standards, the sustainability of the health organization can be promised. When the board of governance plays their roles effectively, the physicians, as well as other involved professions in a health unit, will thereby follow suit and ensure that they undertake their duties responsibly to ensure accountability and importance of practice are maintained (Rao & Tilt, 2016). Additionally, the regulations improve the community relationship with the provider, and thereby problems will thereby be easily identified and solved appropriately to meet the patients’ satisfaction (Rao & Tilt, 2016). Furthermore, the integration of the self-regulation approach and the policies set by the board will enable the policymakers to easily identify possible problems with the system and respond to them, respectively. Research has shown that there are probabilities of poor service outcomes following a lack of monitoring of the regulations whereby the vice versa is also true (Fogel, 2018). Therefore, all the stakeholders in a healthcare provision center should ensure that they collaborate towards adhering to the policies to facilitate and provide quality work provision to improve patient care (Rubin & Babbie, 2016). In conclusion, the self-regulation approach, as well as the policies set by the governing boards, can effectively maintain the organization’s sustainability only if adhered to appropriately (Castlen et al., 2017). Therefore, health ministries should implement a proficient monitoring system to check on whether these policies are observed. Healthcare units can only gain the trust from the public through offering adequate services and ensuring patient satisfaction, which is achievable through observation of the regulations as well as the physicians providing their best at service (Rubin & Babbie, 2016). Moreover, healthcare provision requires much attention and determination due to its complexity, which must not be the reason for inadequate care provision. Commented [DMJ11]: Conclusion, Synthesis, and Argument No new information should be introduced in the summary/conclusion. The summary/conclusion is reserved for a brief recap of the key points you have discussed. Your argument needs to be orderly and present justification of claims. This is your opportunity to restate the points that support your argument. In‐text citations should also be included in this section.

7 Sustainability of the organization is essential, following that it profoundly influences the outcomes as well as its relationship with the public (Fogel, 2018). Luckily, most of the healthcare units are working hard towards ensuring that their quality of service is adequate, as well as ensuring that the patients are much satisfied with their care providers. References Castlen, J. P., Cote, D. J., Moojen, W. A., Robe, P. A., Balak, N., Brennum, J., & Broekman, M. L. (2017). The changing health care landscape and implications of organizational ethics on modern medical practice. World neurosurgery, 102, 420-424.Chan, S. T., Khong, P. C. B., & Wang, W. (2017). Psychological responses, coping and supporting the needs of healthcare professionals as second victims. International nursing review, 64(2), 242-262. Fogel D. B. (2018). Factors associated with clinical trials that fail and opportunities for improving the likelihood of success: A review. Contemporary clinical trial communications, 11, 156–164. Retrieved from Greiner, A.C., and & Knebel, E, (2003). Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality: Health Professions Education: National Association of Health Quality. (2018). NAHQ Code of Ethics for Healthcare Quality Professionals and Code of Conduct. Retrieved from: Formatted: Space After: 0 pt, Line spacing: DoubleCommented [DMJ12]: Resource: GCU Student Success Center – Style Guides & Templates‐resources/student‐success‐center/v3.1/#/tools/writing‐centerResource: you download the free program “Reciteworks” and run your references through it, you will get a line by line list ofpotential errors in your citations/references. Formatted: Add space between paragraphs of thesame styleCommented [DMJ13]: Need to include the retrieval information for each reference.

8 Rao, K., Tilt, C. (2016). Board cComposition and cCorporate s Social rResponsibility: The Role of dDiversity, gGender, sStrategy, and dDecision mMaking. J Bus Ethics138, 327–347 (2016). Retrieved from, A., & Babbie, E. R. (2016). Empowerment sSeries: Research methods for social work. Cengage Learning. Commented [DMJ14]: Missing information

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