Nursing – why do you want to become a nurse?

Please write an essay on “What does Nursing mean to you, and why do you want to become a nurse? Please include an introduction and conclusion. The essay must be APA style.

Nursing – why do you want to become a nurse?

Please write an essay on “What does Nursing mean to you, and why do you want to become a nurse? Please include an introduction and conclusion. The essay must be APA style. In the first Paragraph, please discuss what does nursing means to you. The second Paragraph discusses why you want to be a nurse. No plagiarism is allowed.

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Interview Question: “Why Did You Choose Nursing as a Career?”

When preparing to interview for a nursing position, it’s helpful to review questions you might be asked. One of the things that interviewers often ask nursing candidates is, “What made you choose nursing as a career?”

If you have an interview for a nursing position, you want to arrive confident and prepared for your interview. Reviewing questions that interviewers might ask will help you do that.

What the Interviewer Really Wants to Know

When an interviewer for a nursing position asks you questions about why you became a nurse, he or she is trying to learn the personal reasons you may have for becoming a nurse. This question is also pose in order to gauge your enthusiasm for the profession.

Your answers should provide the basis for a discussion about your passion for nursing, your qualifications, and your skill set.

How to Answer the Interview Question “Why Did You Choose Nursing as a Career?”

Because there are so many factors that go into choosing a career, you can answer this question in a variety of ways. When preparing an answer, try to include the reasons the work interests you as well as what strengths you possess that make you an excellent nurse and the best candidate for the job.


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