What evidence is there that Jay may have made a false confession 

What evidence is there that Jay may have made a false confession and may not have known anything about who killed Hae?

And, if Jay did make a false confession, based on what Kassin says about the typical reasons people do so, what are the most likely reason.

What evidence is there that Jay may have made a false confession

What evidence is there that Jay may have made a false confession and may not have known anything about who killed Hae?

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And, if Jay did make a false confession, based on what Kassin says about the typical reasons people do so, what are the most likely reason.

Assignment: In the essay “False Confessions: Causes, Consequences and Implications for Reform” by Saul Kassin, he explains the circumstances that can cause people to confess to serious crimes that they did not commit. After listening to, reading and annotating Undisclosed Episode 5 “Autopsy,” Episode 9 “Charm City,” and Episode 10 “CrimeStoppers” write a persuasive analytical essay that answers the following questions

Tip – Be sure to differentiate between confessing to a crime (like accessory to murder) and lying in general.

Note: You can always draw from other episodes or materials we have looked at in class. Just cite them correctly.


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