On the basis of the discussion of the mind-body problem in Chapter 1, what do you think Rorty would conclude about contemporary debates on the relationship between conscious experiences and the brain?Explain


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(1) On the basis of the discussion of the mind-body problem in Chapter 1, what do you think Rorty would conclude about contemporary debates on the relationship between conscious experiences and the brain? Is it what you would conclude too?


Essential Texts

Richard Rorty, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. Princeton: Princeton UP 1979 [PMN].

James Tartaglia, Rorty and the Mirror of Nature. London: Routledge 2007 [RMN].

Matson, W. (1966) ‘Why isn’t the mind-body problem ancient?’

Robinson, H. (1991) ‘The Flight from Mind’

Patterson, S. (2000) ‘How Cartesian was Descartes?’

Plato, Phaedo and Sophist

Hornsby, J. (1990) ‘Descartes, Rorty, and the Mind-Body Problem’ in Malachowski (ed.)

Yolton, J. (1990) ‘Mirrors and Veils, Thoughts and Things’ in Malachowski (ed.)

Tartaglia, J. (2008) ‘Consciousness, Intentionality, and the Mark of the Mental: Rorty’s Challenge’, The Monist, 91:2, pp. 324-46

Tye, M. (1996) Ten Problems of Consciousness, chapter 4

Searle, J. (1992) The Rediscovery of the Mind, chapter 7

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