Thermochemical principles and the properties of particles

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of thermochemical principles and the properties of particles and substances – elaborating, justifying, relating, evaluating, comparing and contrasting

 Thermochemical principles and the properties of particles

Firstly, demonstrate comprehensive understanding of thermochemical principles and the properties of particles and substances – elaborating, justifying, relating, evaluating, comparing and contrasting, or analysing links between the properties of particles, the properties of substances they form, thermochemical principles, and related calculations.

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This achievement standard is derived from The New Zealand Curriculum, Learning Media, Ministry of Education, 2007, Level 8. The standard is aligned to the Material World achievement objectives:

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Investigate and measure the chemical and physical properties of a range of groups of substances.

Relate properties of matter to structure and bonding.

Develop an understanding of and use the fundamental concepts of chemistry (for example, equilibrium and thermochemical principles) to interpret observations.

It is also related to the material in the Teaching and Learning Guide for Chemistry, Ministry of Education, 2010 at


  • Demonstrate understanding involves describing, identifying, naming, drawing, and giving an account of the properties of particles, the properties of substances they form, and thermochemical principles. This requires the use of chemistry vocabulary, symbols, and conventions and may include related calculations.


Demonstrate in-depth understanding involves making and explaining links between the properties of particles, the properties of substances they form, thermochemical principles, and related calculations.  This requires explanations that use chemistry vocabulary, symbols, and conventions.


Demonstrate comprehensive understanding involves elaborating, justifying, relating, evaluating, comparing and contrasting, or analysing links between the properties of particles, the properties of substances they form, thermochemical principles, and also related calculations.  This requires the consistent use of chemistry vocabulary, symbols, and conventions. 

Properties of particles are limit to:

Firstly, electron configuration of atoms and ions of the first 36 elements (using s,p,d notation)

Secondly, periodic trends in atomic radius, ionisation energy, and electronegativity, and comparison of atomic and ionic radii

Lewis structures and shapes (up to six electron pairs about the central atom for molecules and polyatomic ions. Including those with multiple bonds), polarity of molecules

Finally, attractive forces between atoms, ions, and molecules. These will include ionic bonds, covalent bonds, and intermolecular attractions due to temporary dipoles and permanent dipoles (including hydrogen bonding).


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