What is the main point of the film? Joe Ehrmann argues there are three lies every boy is taught in American society.

What is the main point of the film?
Joe Ehrmann argues there are three lies every boy is taught in American society. These three lies are that the road to successful masculinity is achieved through ________, ________, and ________. What are these three lies? What evidence can you provide to prove that Ehrmann is correct? Use examples of how these three lies play out in real life. Be sure to include examples provided by participants in the film. If it were up to you, how would you like to see this change? Replace the three lies with three truths about what it means to be a successful man.
Does the content of the film help or hinder our ideas about masculinity in the 21st century?
What solutions does the film provide to the problems addressed in the film?
What is your overall take away from the film? Jackson Katz asks men rise to the “better ________ of our nature.” Fill in the blank. What specific aspects of masculinity can be harnessed for good? For men, what actions can you take to model positive masculinity? For women, how can you promote a positive understanding of masculinity with the boys and men in your life?