“What’s your truth?” by American Linguist Jamila Lysicott.




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Preparation: Watch the video by American Linguist Jamila Lysicott. Reflect: What does Lysicott say about her linguistic skills and how they are percieved by others? Evaluate your own linguistic resources by filling out the Language Self Evaluation form. Then read the poem by American poet Langston Hughes and listen to the poem by American poet Rhina Espaillat. Reflect: what is Hughes truth? What is Espaillat’s? Writing: Now think of 3 things that are fundamentally true about you. Use the Google Doc “My Truth” for your work (just write in it or upload material and when you are done click submit). In your own words in English, and mixing in other languages or registers if you wish, tell us about them. You can write a poem 20 (line minimum), or a paragraph (300 word minimum), or even make a video and supply a link (3 minute minimum), or record a spoken word poem (3 minute minimum). It can be about your languages or anything you believe is true about you. Due: Sept Tuesday 22 midnight







The post “What’s your truth?” by American Linguist Jamila Lysicott. first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.