Write 5 new things you learned from the VoiceThread presentation and 3 questions you have, either for clarification or for your own further research.

Assignment Instructions:

Review the following:


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VoiceThread lecture on Logic and Logical Fallacies (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)

Consider the following fact-checks from Politifact:

19 fact-checks of things that were wrong on the Internet (Links to an external site.)
Fact checks of memes (Links to an external site.)

Read the following:

Merlan, Anna. On the Dark and Dangerous Underbelly of Climate Conspiracy Theories. LitHub. 17 Sep. 2019.  (Links to an external site.)https://lithub.com/on-the-dark-and-dangerous-underbelly-of-climate-conspiracy-theories/.  (Links to an external site.)Accessed 18 Dec 2020.

Uscinski, Joseph E., Karen Douglas, and Stephan Lewandowsky. “Climate Change Conspiracy Theories.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science. 26 Sep 2017.

Oxford University Press. 23 Dec. 2020, https://oxfordre.com/climatescience/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.001.0001/acrefore-9780190228620-e-328  (Links to an external site.)Accessed 18 Dec 2020.

STEP 2: Discussion Board Response to Instructional Materials

In the comments below, respond to the following:

Write 5 new things you learned from the VoiceThread presentation and 3 questions you have, either for clarification or for your own further research.

You can, of course, add any additional thoughts or links to other resources that might be relevant to our course of study, but that is optional.

Review the pages on Identifying Logical Fallacies of the English General Packet,  (Links to an external site.)and using the examples provided in the articles by Merlan and Uscinski, Douglas, and Lewandowsky (and/or any other relevant outside research), identify 5 examples of fallacies that climate deniers fall victim to:

Provide an excerpt from the article (or source), along with the citation.

Identify the name of the fallacy that they have fallen victim to (common fallacies are listed below).

Explain why the climate deniers are wrong.

Common fallacies (more information in the packet)
Two Wrongs
Red Herring
Unwarranted (or Hasty) Generalization
Questionable Cause (or Post Hoc)
Slippery Slope
False Appeal to Authority
Ad Hominem

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