Hypothesis On Fitbit And Its Competitors


Do customers prefer smart watches over Fitbit because of the design?

What is the consumer’s perception of Fitbit’s features over other smart watches and are they competitive?

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What are the desirable features that customers look for?

Requirements: 400-450 words

Its a Business Research Proposal. Could you please disregard the first question (Do customers prefer smart watches over Fitbit because of the design?) instead focus on Customer Preferences on feature of Smartwatch over Fitbit?

Implementation Plan For Strategic Recommendation,

Describe in some detail how the firm should go about implementing the strategic recommendation. (the strategic recommendation will be provided) Provide a timeline for implementation, a list of the resources or capabilities the company needs to acquire or develop, some assessment of costs involved (to the extent available financial information allows), the organizational/structural changes required and problems that might be encountered during the implementation. Talk in specifics. Discuss the conditions under which your strategic recommendation might not work.