Occupy Wall Street Movement


The Occupy Wall Street Movement is a current Social Movement in the U.S. Take a few minutes to review the following links to familiarizehh yourself somewhat with the movement:

Occupy Wall Street About PageLinks to an external site.

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Map: Occupy Wall Street, a global movement Links to an external site.

Occupy Wall Street In American History: An Interview With NYU Professor Robert Cohen Links to an external site.

First discuss what type of movement this movement is and briefly define the movement type that you choose. The options are:
Reform movement
Revolutionary movement
Religious movement
Alternative movement
Resistance movement
Now, think about the theories explaining social movements. Discuss which theory best applies to this movement and why. Be sure to give a brief description/definition of the theory. The social movement theory choices are:
Relative Deprivation Theory
Resource Mobilization, and
Frame Analysis
Then discuss how society has changed from before the movement to now, if at all.
Remember to give a brief description of the theory and movement type that you chose first.
Choose a modern day social movement from the following:

Black Lives Matter
LGBTQ movement (trans rights, gay rights, or any other–choose one)
Me Too
If you want to do a movement other than these, contact me first for approval.


The post Occupy Wall Street Movement first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.