Perspectives Of Three Major Players In Health Care Delivery As It Relates To The New Affordable Care Act

  1. From the patient perspective:
    • What do patients expect from medical treatment?
    • What leads people to seek treatment?
    • How does a patient decide where to go for treatment?
  2. From the doctor’s perspective:
    • How does a physician expect to be paid?
    • How does a physician decide what patients to treat?
    • What threats exist today to a doctor’s autonomy and authority?
  3. From the hospital’s perspective:
    • How would a hospital prefer to relate to physicians on its staff?
    • How has the relationship between hospitals and physicians changed over the past 50 years?
    • What impact does the dominance of the nonprofit form of hospital have on the relationship to the physician?
    • What do hospitals expect from patients?
    • How does a hospital’s duty to treat differ from the physician’s?