Critical Response to Sources Paper


Topic: My narrowed topic is #2 on: Reasons the black hair care industry is economically viable in contemporary Caribbean society.


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Evaluating the Appropriateness/Relevance of this Source

Johnson and Bankhead (2014), is relevant to my topic because of several reasons. First of all, is its title: “Hair It Is: Examining the Experiences of Black Women with Natural Hair.” This title corresponds with my topic on black hair. The authors of the article are also credible given that they are both affiliated with prestigious institutions of higher learning in the USA, with Johnson and Bankhead being in the education and social work department respectively. Furthermore upon closely looking at the subtopics, several of them match my interests. These include ‘Black hair care, beauty, and entrepreneurship’, ‘Black Hair Care and its Consequences’. It is therefore conclusive that the subject matter of this source is relevant to my topic. At the same time, the source is set in the context of how black women and girls relate to their hair and the effects it has on their identity. This will be instrumental in understanding why the black hair industry is viable in the Caribbean given that the population in the region is composed of blacks. Additional the publication date of the article is not so long ago and is, therefore, relevant to contemporary society. This source is also well referenced with credible sources which are an indication of reliability. Finally, the source was submitted to the open access journal of social sciences which makes it a scholarly article. I am thus confident that this source will contribute valuable information to my topic. These are the factors that helped me reach my decision on using this article as a source to my topic.


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Details/pieces of supporting information from Johnson and Bankhead (2014)

According to Johnson and Bankhead (2014), blacks believe that straighter hair would enable them to attain economic and social mobility. This can explain why up to date the black hair industry is highly economically viable. The article also makes a very deep connection between beauty and hair which is dated back to the slavery days. In fact, it is explained that the ladies would rather undergo the harmful consequences of using hair products such as burns and even in some extreme cases such as balding, rather than stay with hair that is not straightened (Johnson and Bankhead, 2014). This is backed by research done by other authors. These pieces of information will contribute to showing why the black hair industry is booming. Narrowing down to the Caribbean population, the source has information on the history of slavery and how the hair came into the picture. Part of the article states how the Europeans looked down upon black hair, how straighter hair was favored in job positions, and how this has shaped the Caribbean society to date. The relevance of this is that the Caribbean population is as a result of slavery. This information will help me develop my main idea of the economic viability of the black hair industry in the Caribbean



Johnson, T. A., & Bankhead, T. (2014). Hair it is: Examining the experiences of Black women with natural hair. Open Journal of Social Sciences2(86-100).


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